Can a Home Cause Pain?

We know a lot of different ways that a home can cause physical pain, from a poor layout (who hasn’t banged their hip on a misplaced countertop or bruised a shin on an open dishwasher door?), to off-gasses from textiles and other finishes (we’ll cover that in another blog post) to decades old materials that can be carcinogenic. These issues can typically be resolved with a good renovation, or getting out of that house!

What about emotional distress? Sometimes the root cause of anxiety of homeowners is the actual home itself! Did you know that a great design (created by a designer who gets to know you) can fix these issues? We’ve helped many homeowners break out of the mental anguish caused by their homes. Check out some of the most common “ailments” and “cures” we addressed for our clients.

“My home doesn’t match our level of success”

You’ve worked hard your entire life to move ahead in your career, and you’ve done everything to make sure your family is secure and happy. You’ve made the investment in a beautiful home that suits the size of your family and you plan on living in it for a long time. “We’ll figure out what we want to do with it and decorate/renovate it in a few years.” Flash forward 5-10 years, and nothing has changed. Some rooms are still empty, even after all of this time! Sound familiar? Busy professionals tend to put their homes last. Vacations, kids, and of course, careers, always get priority over furniture and new kitchens, right? Not always. Typically, busy executives don’t know where to start, and have no idea where to place value, and most commonly, have no clue what they want! They know what they like, but don’t know how to implement it in their house. Bachelor pad remnants and grandma’s dining room table just don’t cut it anymore.

Formal Living Room Before & After with ML Interiors Group in Dallas, Tx. Formal Living Room Before (Still empty!) This house was a builder flip, and felt a little too “dressed up” for our client, who wanted a relaxed but elegant feel to this space, and some color!
Formal Living Room Before & After with ML Interiors Group in Dallas, Tx. Formal Living Room After. The lighting was the first update. A soft sea glass chandelier toned down the brassiness of the builder selection. Not so traditional built-ins (made to feel original to the home) were added with a scrubbable vinyl grasscloth wallpaper. We went bold on the textiles and neutral on the accessories that felt a little coastal, without being contrived.

“My home doesn’t function for entertaining”

Entertaining at home is a staple for busy professionals. Starting with the college friends, then on to other couples with kids, to the parents of kids that your children go to school with or share the same activities. Not only should the interior be suited for these gatherings, but a proper patio with plenty of space for everyone is a necessity for today’s families. Having the right seating area for the size groups you entertain, plus room to gather is key to a successful entertainment layout.

Patio Before & After with ML Interiors Group in Dallas, Tx. Patio: Before The client had no outdoor furniture so the kids used the patio for hockey and soccer practice. The patio was addressed when they decided to install a pool.
Patio Before & After with ML Interiors Group in Dallas, Tx. Patio: After Two seating areas, divided by a backless porch swing (so you can face either side of the patio or lay down and enjoy the pool) accommodated the entire family of 7 plus friends. Two of the same outdoor rugs designated each sitting space, and then a coat of SW Peppercorn paint on the ceiling added warmth and more cohesiveness with the home’s exterior color palette.

“I’m embarrassed to have people see my home”

Time is usually responsible for not making changes in your home. It just gets away from you. The next thing you know, that apartment sofa from your single days is 20 years old. Excuses such as “we have kids and can’t have nice things” only lasts for so long. Disposable furniture should be disposed of, not last until the kids go to college.

Before & After Living Room with ML Interiors Group in Dallas, Tx. Before: We love a good flea market find/DIY project. But to really elevate your home, it’s best to call in the professionals. Miss-matched furniture without intention looks, well, mismatched not curated.
Before & After Living Room with ML Interiors Group in Dallas, Tx. After: Intentional selections don’t interior with the bones of the space. The view is now the feature, not the eclectic furniture collection. Bringing the outside in, and toning down the lines created the grown up living room that reflects our owner’s success.

“Chronic disorder in my home is driving me mad”

Many homeowners feel that they need to add more “designer touches” to make their home feel complete. “Designer touches” should not be confused with the latest accessory trend. Adding more things to your home could result in utter clutter and chaos. Even with the smallest of budgets, a good accessory “edit” can bring a sigh of relief and calm to a homeowner. If an edit isn’t enough to tame your home, and extra storage is needed, the right solution with professional guidance, brings peace and harmony in spaces that should bring you joy, not pain.

Guest Bathroom Before & After with ML Interiors Group in Dallas, Tx. Before: When there is no room for things, they typically end up on tub decks and countertops. When storage is an issue, and size is limited, what can you do? Lead designer, Debbie, looks like she figured out the solution.
Guest Bathroom Before & After with ML Interiors Group in Dallas, Tx. After: Nooks and shelving and vertical storage (plus storage over that hidden potty space) means clean tub decks and room for all products used in a bathroom. Our team took advantage of every inch of this “storage-challenged” older bathroom. Hidden below the window and the pony wall by the tub, are more niches for even more storage.